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The Journal of the Brazilian Society of Cancerology

Revista 64

Brazilian Cancerology occupies a differentiated space in the world scenario, both by volume of care, as well as by the expressive and growing interest of professionals working in this field in our country, translated by the numerous scientific contributions they have provided in this health area.

The current Board of Directors of the Sociedade Brasileira de Cancerologia, attentive to the demand for the progress of oncologic science, has been committed to qualifying one of its most important organs – the Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Cancerologia. The most recent actions in this field include the introduction of individual DOI records for all articles; the proposal already submitted for indexing in the LILACS database – the most important and comprehensive index of scientific and technical literature in Latin America and the Caribbean; the development of an exclusive website and a complete reformulation of the Editorial Board of Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Cancerologia.

To paraphrase our President, Dr. Ricardo César Pinto Antunes, “the Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Cancerologia is to be an example of excellence in its scientific content, allowing health professionals to read topics that undoubtedly are part of the frontier of knowledge in cancer”.

The Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Cancerologia welcomes the collaboration of all health professionals involved in all fields of action in the approach to cancer, in the form of original articles, literature reviews, case reports and other scientific contributions.

We are glad to publish another issue of our Revista, thank the esteemed collaborators for the excellence of the submitted works, presenting current and interesting content to our readers.

Scientia Nobilitat!


Dificuldades psicossociais enfrentadas por homens transgêneros à realização de exame preventivo de câncer de colo de útero