The Journal of the Brazilian Society of Cancerology



Dr. Enaldo Melo de Lima

Clinical Oncologist, Integrated Cancer Coordinator of the Materdei network in Belo Horizonte, member of the Technical Chamber of Cancerology of the Regional Council of Medicine of Belo Horizonte (MG). 


Prof. Dr. Ramon Andrade Bezerra de Mello

He is a former Senior Clinical Researcher at the Department of Oncology University of Oxford, United Kingdom (UK), and former substantive Consultant Medical Oncologist/Professor in Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK, presenting solid experience in screening, diagnosis, governance and treatment of cancer patients, especially breast, lung and gastrointestinal cancers. Since 2020, he is permanent professor of the Post-Graduate Programme in Medicine at Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), São Paulo, Brazil, developing translational research in the area of biomarkers in oncology and pharmacoeconomics. He is leader of the discipline of medical oncology at UNINOVE, where he can exchange experience and contribute to the training of several post-graduate students, in addition to being an effective member of the ethics committee of this university. Also, he is the deputy lead of the Medical Oncology MSc programme at the Buckingham University, UK. He graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Ceará, in Fortaleza. He completed the CCT equivalent training in Medical Oncology at the Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto, Portugal (recognized in Brazil and UK), where he had the opportunity to acquire solid experience in different types of malignant tumours, in addition to experience in autologous and heterologous transplantation. He has clinical skills in prescribing and handling oncological therapies (chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapies) and clinical management of cancer patients and their complications. He completed a MBA in Health Industry, Hospitals and Clinics Management at the Business School of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), São Paulo, Brazi, he completed a PhD in Medicine and Molecular Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal, and finally he attended a Clinical Research Fellowship Visit supported by ESMO at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK, where he learned the principles of translational research and had the opportunity to increase his experience in more than 40 clinical trials sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry. He has more than 200 scientific publications in indexed journals, conference proceedings, chapters and books, as well as participating in the editorial board of several internationally reputed scientific journals, where he consolidates a vast academic experience. Ramon De Mello is Fellow Member of the American College of Physicians, USA, since 2017. Ramon contributed as a Faculty Member to ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology), ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology), ESO (European School of Oncology) and SBC (Brazilian Society of Cancerology).


Prof. Dr. Alex Guedes

Associate Professor-Doctor, Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, Federal University of Bahia Head, Orthopedic Oncology Group, Hospital Santa Izabel, Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia. Head, Bone and Connective Tissue Surgery Service, Hospital Aristides Maltez, Liga Bahiana Contra o Câncer. Salvador (BA).


Dr. Nise Yamaguchi

Master in Tumor Immunology – FM/USP. PhD in Molecular Biology of Tumors – FM/USP. Expert-ESMO – European Society of Medical Oncology and the American Board ECFMGES. Specialist in Clinical Oncology – AMB/SBOC. Specialist in Immunology – Brazilian Medical Association and the Brazilian Society of Allergy and Immunology and Brazilian Medical Association (1992). Title of Specialist in Cancerology (TECa Medical Oncology) – Brazilian Society of Cancerology and AMB. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Luiz Eduardo Werneck de Carvalho

Professor Doctor Associated with the Post-Graduate Program of the Fundação Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, FMABC/SP, Medical Oncologist Specialist at SBC/AMB – Senior Advisor of the Master’s and Doctoral Programs at FMABC/SP, Head of the Oncology Service at Oncologica do Brasil Cancer Center and Hospital Cidade Oncológica. Belem (PA).

Dr. Antonio André Magoulas Perdicaris

Surgeon Cancerologist (SBC-AMB, master’s in surgery from the Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP). Post-doctorate in Education (UNICAMP), Emeritus Member of the Academy of Medicine of São Paulo. Santos (SP).

Dr. Enaldo Melo De Lima

Clinical Oncologist, Integrated Cancer Coordinator of the Materdei network in Belo Horizonte, member of the Technical Chamber of Cancerology of the Regional Council of Medicine of Belo Horizonte (MG).

Dr. Gustavo Guimarães

Medical Oncology Surgeon, Guest Professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo, Coordinates the Surgical Project of the Oncology Center of the Beneficiência Portuguesa Hospital. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. José Getúlio Segalla

Curator of the Botucatu Medical Biotechnology Foundation, Administrative Director of the Brazilian Association of Cancer Registries, physician at Amaral Carvalho Hospital and at the Jau/Bauru Hematology and Oncology Center. Bauru (SP).

Dr. Renato Santos de Oliveira

Clinical Director of the Cancer Prevention Center “Clínica Prof. Dr. Renato Santos”; Member of the Cutaneous Tumors Sector of Hospital Nove de Julho, Coordinator of the Melanoma and Cutaneous Tumors Sector of the Discipline of Plastic Surgery at UNIFESP. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Ricardo Antunes

Oncological Surgeon, Postgraduate in Robotic Head and Neck Surgery – HIEA/MEC, Member of the Latin American Scientific Advisory Board of the Ana; Surgical Oncology – SSO, Oncological Surgeon of Hospital do Servidor Público, Managing Partner of Instituto Paulista of Cancerology-SP, Coordinator of Oncological Surgery at Grupo Leforte (Sao Paulo, SP).

Dr. Ricardo Caponero

Clinical Oncologist by the Brazilian Medical Association Medical Oncologist at the Oncology Center of the Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz; president of the Scientific Council of FEMAMA Member of the Scientific Committee of the ONCOGUIA Institute. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Robson Freitas de Moura

Physician at Hospital Aristides Maltez, Physician at Hospital Geral Ana Nery, President of Associação Bahiana de Medicina, Assistant Professor at Universidade Salvador, former President of the Brazilian Society of Cancerology. Salvador (BA).

Dr. Robson Ferrigno

Medical coordinator of the Radiotherapy Services at BP Paulista and BP Mirante Hospitals. PhD in Medicine from the University of São Paulo. Former President of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy. Sao Paulo (SP).


Prof. Dr. Ramon Andrade Bezerra de Mello
Medical Oncologist of the clinical staff of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein and Hospital 9 de Julho, São Paulo. Professor and Advisor of the Graduate Program in Medicine at the Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), São Paulo, Brazil. Head of the Discipline of Clinical Oncology and Effective Member of the Ethics Committee at UNINOVE. Former Honorary Professor at the University of Porto, Portugal. Title of specialist in Clinical Oncology, Brazilian Society of Cancerology/SBOC/AMB. Postdoc clinical fellowship in Clinical Research by the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London (United Kingdom). PhD in Molecular Oncology from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto – Portugal. Title of Fellow of the American College of Physician, Philadelphia, USA. Residency in Medical Oncology at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Porto (IPO do Porto), Portugal. Executive MBA in management of clinics, hospitals and health industries by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), São Paulo. Physician from the Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza. Member of the Medical Oncology Specialty College of the Portuguese Medical Association. European School of Oncology Gastro-Intestinal Tumors Advisory Board, since 2020. American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Upper Gastro-Intestinal Tumors Educational Committee Member, 2016 – 2019. Committee Member (ESMO GI Faculty) of gastrointestinal tumors of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), 2018 – 2022. Preceptor of the Virtual Mentorship Program of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Large experience in breast, genitourinary and gastrointestinal tumors.

Dr. Antônio Luiz Fresson
Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at PUCRS, President of the Brazilian Society of Mastology (SBM) (2017-2019). Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Allyne Queiróz Carneiro Cagnacc
Clinical Oncologist and sub-investigator of clinical research at ICESP (Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo) . Currently focusing on oncogenetics, working at the Department of Oncogenetics at ICESP-FMUSP and at the Department of Oncogenetics at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz since 2018. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Cicero Urban
Oncological Surgeon and Mastologist at the Breast Unit of Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças. Coordinator of the Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery Sector at the Center for Breast Diseases in Curitiba. Master and Doctor in Clinical Surgery by UFPR. Curitiba (PR).

Dr. José Cláudio Casali da Rocha
Oncogeneticist and Clinical Oncologist. Head of the Oncogenetics Department at the AC Camargo Cancer Center (Sao Paulo, SP). Professor of Medicine at PUCPR and Universidade Positivo, Curitiba (PR).

Dr. Carla Ismael
President of the Franco-Brazilian Society of Oncology – Active member of ESGO, European Society of Gynocological Oncology. Adjunct Professor at the Carlos Chagas Graduate Course. Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

Dr. Evandro de Azambuja
Evandro de Azambuja, MD, PhD, is the Head of the Medical Support Team (Academic Promoting Team) located at the Jules Bordet Institute in Brussels, Belgium, where he is responsible for the continuous supervision of 4-5 research fellows and the medical supervision of large phase III clinical trials. He is also the MDT coordinator for Breast Cancer at the Jules Bordet. Dr. de Azambuja earned his first PhD from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, in May 2007 and his second PhD from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B) in December 2015.

Dr. Charles Balch 
Charles M. Balch Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgical Oncology, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA. He is President of Cancer Expert Now International, and the International Sentinel Node Society.  

Dr. Wesley Pereira de Andrade
Coordinator of the Breast Oncology Committee of the Brazilian Society of Oncological Surgery and Physician at the Institute of OncoMastology.

Dra. Bruna Zucchetti

Dr. Evanius Wiermann

Dr. Ronaldo Souza

Dr. Paulo Kassab

Dr. Leonardo Oliveira Neto
Clinical Oncologist and head of the service in Hospital Perpétuo Socorro (Pernambuco) and Clinical Oncologist  of the Hospital São Vicente de Paulo (Ceará). Specialist in Clinical Oncology – AMB/SBOC.

Dr. Marcelo Bernardini Antunes
Clinical oncologist. Head of the Oncology Sector at the Bauru-SP State Hospital (HEB) belonging to the Hebe Carmargo Cancer Combat Network. Head of the Oncology Service at NAIC (Nair Antunes Cancer Institute). He has extensive experience in clinical oncology and oncohematology. He holds the title of Specialist in Clinical Oncology from the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology. Passed the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Accreditation Exam in 2019 with excellent performance. He is currently an investigator at the NAIC clinical research center and works on several clinical studies.

Dr. Ruffo de Freitas Junior
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Goiás, where he coordinates the Mastology Program at the UFG and Head Physician of the Gynecology and Breast Service at Hospital Araújo Jorge da Associação de Combat, and Chairs the Brazilian Network for Research in Breast Cancer. Goiania (GO).

Dr. Hézio Jadir 
Oncologist at the Le-Fort Institute of Oncology, Cancer Institute Arnaldo Vieria de Carvalho. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Joaquim Abreu
Director of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology. Portugal. 

Dra. Amanda Nobre

Dra. Katia Roque Perez
Medical Oncologist at Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, Lima Perú.

Dra. Ana Simas

Dr. Ryad Naim Younes
Free Lecturer at FMUSP. General Director of the Oncology Center at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz. Honorary Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University College of London. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Nise Yamaguchi
Master in Tumor Immunology – FM/USP. PhD in Molecular Biology of Tumors – FM/USP. Expert-ESMO – European Society of Medical Oncology and the American Board ECFMGES. Specialist in Clinical Oncology – AMB/SBOC. Specialist in Immunology – Brazilian Medical Association and the Brazilian Society of Allergy and Immunology and Brazilian Medical Association (1992). Title of Specialist in Cancerology (TECa Medical Oncology) – Brazilian Society of Cancerology and AMB. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. André Murad
Adjunct Professor-Doctor Coordinator of the Discipline of Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine of UFMG. Executive Director of Personal Precision and Personalized Oncology in Belo Horizonte, MG, Scientific Director of GBOP – Brazilian Group of Precision Oncology. Post-Doctorate in Genetics at UFMG. Belo Horizonte (MG).

Dr. Auro del Giglio 
Full Professor of Hematology and Oncology at Faculdade do ABC, physician at Hospital Israelita Brasileiro Albert Einstein. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Ignatio Wistuba 
Professor, Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.
Co-Director, Division of Pathology/Lab Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.

Dr. Ricardo Sales dos Santos
Research Surgeon at the Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa – IIEP. Thoracic Surgery Rear – Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Fauzia Naime
Clinical Oncologist – Leforte Oncology Group. Master in clinical oncology – FAP. Preceptor of clinical oncology residency at Instituto do Câncer Dr Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho. Preceptor of medical residency at Conjunto Hospitalar do Mandaqui. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. José Carlos Carneiro

Dr. Alessandro Wasum Mariani 
Professor of Thoracic Surgery – Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Postdoctoral Degree in Thoracic Surgery – Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Coordinator of the International Postgraduate Course on Robotic Thoracic Surgery – Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. International Affairs Director – Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Torácica. Member of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. Associate of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons.

Dr. Kaique Almeida, MD, MSc.
Medical Oncologist with actuation in Palliative Care field (AMB), Master Degree in Medical Oncology, Post-graduation in Thoracic Tumours (Univeristy of Zurich), Post-graduation in Molecular Biology (Université of Liège), Head of Clinical Research – CLIONCOL. Head of Medical Oncology Department in Hospital Memorial São Francisco. Professor at Medicine Faculty Nova Esperança. João Pessoa – PB.

Dr. Fernando Nunes Galvão de Oliveira
Medical Oncologist at Oncoclinicas Bahia. Leader in thoracic and urological tumors Oncoclinicas Bahia. Director at the North and Northeast Brazil Oncology Group. Former preceptor of the medical oncology fellowship at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein São Paulo, Brazil. Member of the Latin Oncology Group, American Society of Clinical Oncology and European Society of Oncology.

Dr. Georgios Antoniou

Dr. Alberto Goldenberg

Full Professor of Surgical Gastroenterology at Escola Paulista de Medicina. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Felipe Coimbra

Director of the Department of Abdominal Surgery – Department of Oncologic Surgery, AC Camargo Cancer Center, São Paulo, Brazil. President Americas-Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association 2019-20. President Brazilian Society of Oncological Surgery 2015-17. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Rafael Paulo di Paula

Oncological Surgeon. Coordinator of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas service at BP – A Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo. Head of Oncological Surgery at the State Public Servant Hospital of Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Arthur Accioly Rosa

President of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy (Sociedade Brasileira de Radioterapia). Salvador (BA).

Dr. Odilon de Souza Filho

Oncological Surgeon at the National Cancer Institute working at the Abdominopelvic Surgery Service, member of the Gastric Cancer Group and Colorectal Cancer Group. Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

Dr Rebecca Wong

Professor, UTDRO. Vice Chair of Education, UTDRO.  Director Education of Toronto CANADA Professor, UTDRO. Vice Chair of Education, UTDRO. Director, Education, RMP.

Dr. Antônio Macedo (EMAIL IS MISSING )

President of the Robotic Surgery Committee of the Associação Paulista de Medicina, Founding Member of the Clinical Robotic Surgery Association, Member of the Society for Robotic Surgery, Member of the CSRA Facult, Qualified Member of the Brazilian Society of Videolaparoscopic Surgery, Member of the Brazilian College of Surgeons.

 Dr. Francisco Farah 

Director of the General Surgery Service of the State Public Servant Medical Assistance Institute (IAMSPE). Professor at the Universidade da Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID). Supervisor of the Master’s program in Health Sciences at IAMSPE. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Richard D. Schulick
Pancreatic cancer, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, pancreatic surgery, and biliary tract cancers.

Dr. Robson Freitas de Moura

Physician at Hospital Aristides Maltez, Physician at Hospital Geral Ana Nery, President of Associação Bahiana de Medicina, Assistant Professor at Universidade Salvador former President of the Brazilian Society of Cancerology. Salvador (BA).

Dr. Bruno Zilberstein       

Prof. Head of Digestive Surgery and Coloproctology at Fac. of Medicine São Leopoldo Mandic. Director of the Stomach and Small Intestine Surgery Service at HC-FMUSP. – Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Alexandre Ferreira Oliveira

Full Professor of Cancerology/Oncological Surgery at the Presidente Antônio Carlos University, Juiz de Fora – MG. President of the Brazilian Society of Oncological Surgery (2019-2021).

Helber Salvador de Castro Ribeiro

Head of the Department of Abdominal Surgery at A.C.Camargo Cancer Center, and coordinator of the Continuing Education Program in Gastrointestinal Oncology (PECOGI). Sao Paulo (SP).                   

Dr. Alberto Wainstein

Professor and supervisor of the Graduate Program in Health Sciences Professor of Medicine – FCMMG. – Concentration Area, Cancerology – Belo Horizonte (MG).

Dr. Richard Schulick

Professor the University of Colorado, School of Medicine EUA

Richard D. Schulick, MD, MBA, is the Aragón/Gonzalez-Gíustí Professor and Chair of the Department of Surgery and is a Professor Immunology and Microbiology at the University of Colorado, School of Medicine. He also serves as the Director of the University of Colorado Cancer Center. Schulick came from the Johns Hopkins Medical Institution in May of 2012 where he was Chief of the Surgical Oncology Division. 

Dr. Samuel Aguiar Jr.

Head physician at Hospital A.C. Camargo, from the Antônio Prudente Foundation, where he heads the Colorectal Tumors Center. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Giuliano Noccili Mendes

Director of ICMI – Surgeon at Hospital Le-Fort. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Bruno Yuki

Service of General Surgery and Oncology of the State Public Servant Hospital of São Paulo (HSPE-SP), Member of the Brazilian Society of Cancerology, Titular Member of the Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Heládio Feitosa
Tumores gastrointestinais, sarcomas, tumores ginecológicos e cutâneos

Dr. Bruno Santucci

Medical specialist in oncology by the Brazilian Society of Cancerology. Specialist in genitourinary tumors and oncogeriatrics. former International Fellow of Geriatric Oncology at the University of South Florida – Moffitt Cancer Center. Medical director of the Hemomed Institute of Oncology and Hematology. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Robson Ferrigno   

Medical coordinator of the Radiotherapy Services at BP Paulista and BP Mirante Hospitals. PhD in Medicine from the University of São Paulo. Former President of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Rodrigo de Moraes Hanriot

Head of the Clinical Oncology Service at INCA. Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

Dr. Roberto Porto Fonseca

Director of Oncomed BH and member of the Brazilian Society of Cancerology. Belo Horizonte (MG).

Dr. Aparecido Donizeti Agostinho

Dr. Paulo Lages

Dr. Marcos Flávio Rocha

Dr. Bruno Felipe Souza

Dr. José Ulises M. Calegaro

Physician at Instituto Hospital de Base do DF and director of Instituto de Radioisotopos de Brasilia, with experience in Medicine, with emphasis on Nuclear Medicine and Cancerology. Brasilia (DF).

Dr. Mário Bruno Felix – Argentina

President of the South American Federation of Cancerology (FESCAS) (EMAIL MISSING )

Dr. Flávio Salazar OnDr.y

Doctor of Medical Sciences (PhD) Karolinska Institute 1998. Bachelor of Sciences University of Uppsala 1992; Full Professor Faculty of Medicine and the University of Chile 1999; Vice Chancellor for Research Development and Innovation University of Chile 2014 to date; Vice Chancellor for Research Development and Innovation University of Chile.

Dr. Limirio Leal da Fonseca Filho

Surgery with specialty in Robotics. Sao Paulo (SP)

Dr. Rogério Izar Neves

Director Cutaneous Oncology Program, Penn State Cancer Institute – EUA

Professor of Surgery, Pharmacology and Medicine. Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery. Deputy Director, Penn State Melanoma and Skin Cancer Center. Melanoma and Cutaneous Malignancies Disease Team Leader. Director, Cutaneous Oncology Program. Penn State Cancer Institute.

Dr. Alberto Wainstein

 Professor of Medicine – FCMMG. International Director SBCO. Vice President of the Melanoma World Society. Belo Horizonte (MG).

Dr. Francisco Aparecido Belfort

Oncologist Surgeon at Sirio Libanês Hospitals, Oswaldo Cruz -lookout. PhD in Medicine from UNIFESP. Founding Member of the Brazilian Melanoma Group. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Fábio Nasser

Dra. Dana Celmare

Prof. Dr. Alex Guedes

Associate Professor-Doctor, Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, Federal University of Bahia

Head, Orthopedic Oncology Group, Hospital Santa Izabel, Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia. Head, Bone and Connective Tissue Surgery Service, Hospital Aristides Maltez, Liga Bahiana Contra o Câncer. Salvador (BA).

Dr. Ademar Lopes

Surgeon Oncologist. Vice President of the A.C.Camargo Cancer Center. Lecturer for the Discipline of Oncology at FMUSP. Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and the American Society for Surgical Oncology. Full Professor of the Discipline of Oncology at UMC. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Rodrigo Ramella Munhóz Filho

Medical oncologist at the Oncology Center of Hospital Sírio Libanês and the Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo at the University of São Paulo. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Daniel Grabarz            

Coordinator of the Leforte Group radiotherapy service. Fellowship at the University of Toronto. Princess Margaret Hospital. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Aisling Barri

Assistant Professor at Princess Margaret Cancer Center and the University of Toronto. CA Radiation Oncologist and Assistant Professor at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and the University of Toronto.

Dr. Luís Paulo kowalski

Full Professor of Head and Neck Surgery at FMUSP, from 1990 to 2020 he was Director of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery and Otorhinolaryngology at Hospital A.C.Camargo. He is vice chairman of the Head and Neck Surgery Group of the Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG) and Director of the Head and Neck Group. Sao Paulo (SP). 

Dr. Christian Domenge

Professor of Oncology in France. Former head of the oncology department at the Institut Gustave Roussy Villejuif. Clinical oncologist in Brazil. Vice President of the Franco-Brazilian Society of Oncology. Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

Dr. Jonathon Russel

Director of Endoscopic and Robotic Thyroid  and Parathyroid Surgery at Johns Hopkins – EUA.

Jonathon Russell, MD, FACS is the Director of Endoscopic and Robotic Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery at Johns Hopkins, and the chair of the Technology Committee for the American Head and Neck Society. In these roles, he encourages innovation in thyroid and parathyroid surgery. He leads the largest series of scarless Transoral thyroidectomy in North America and was also part of the first team of Head and Neck surgeons to offer Radiofrequency Ablation of thyroid nodules in North America. He has led training on innovative techniques for the American College of Surgeons and other groups and has edited the first book dedicated to scarless transoral thyroid and parathyroid surgery. He completed medical school at Case Western Reserve University and trained in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Se-Heon Jim, MD. PhD

Professor, Chair & Director, Head & Neckk Cancer Center, Yonsei Cancer Hospital, Yonsei University Health System. Seul (Korea).

Dr. Antônio J. Gonsalves

President of the Brazilian Society of Head and Neck Surgery. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Antônio Bertelli  

President of the Brazilian Society of Head and Neck Surgery – São Paulo – Head and Neck Surgeon, Professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo, Assistant Physician at the Department of Surgery at the Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, Team Leader at Hospital Samaritano de São Paulo. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Leonardo Rangel         

Head and Neck Surgery Coordinator – UERJ. TOETVA Course Coordinator – CRISPI Institute. RFA Course Coordinator – UERJ. AHNS New Technologies Committee. Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

Dr. Ralph Tuffano

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine EUA.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Charles W. Cummings M.D. Endowed Professor. Director of the Division of Head and Neck Endocrine Surgery. Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery.

Dr. Mauriciom Cammus 

Head of the Department of Oncology and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Surgeon Oncologist, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Oncology and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Scientific Director Latin American Federation of Mastology (FLAM). President of the Chilean Society of Mastology 2014-2016. President of the Federation of South American Cancer Societies (FESCAS) (2012-2014). Vice President of the Society of Surgeons of Chile (2010-2012). President Chilean Society of Cancerology (2008-2010).

Dr. Renan Bezerra Lira

PhD in Oncology from FMUSP. Proctor in Robotic Head and Neck Surgery. Titular Surgeon of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery – AC Camargo Center. Deputy Coordinator of the Robotic Surgery Program – AC Camargo Center. – Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Luiz Paulo Kowalski
Professor and Chairman of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery at FMUSP, and Head of the Reference Center on Head and Neck Tumors at A.C. Camargo Cancer Center. Former President of the Brazilian Head and Neck Surgery Society and the International Academy of Oral Oncology. He serves as Vice Chairman of the Head and Neck Surgery Group of the Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG) and as Director of the Surgical Affairs Committee of the Latin American Thyroid Society (LATS).

Dr. Icaro Carvalho
Radiation oncologist at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, former board member of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy.

Dr. William Perini

Hematologist at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Eliseo Joji Sekiya

Scientific and Quality Director of the companies of the Sao Lucas Cell Therapy Group, Physician responsible for the Hemotherapy Service at Hospital Santa Paula, President of the Institute of Education and Research – IEP-São Lucas. T – Santo André (SP).

Dr. Rodrigo Santucci

Bone Marrow Transplantation, Oncology and Hematology. He worked in large centers, such as Hospital Albert Einstein and Hemomed Oncologia in Sao Paulo, Moffit Cancer Center, and MD Anderson Cancer Center, in the USA. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Leandro by Paulo Santos Silva

Specialist in Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation by UNIFESP. Postdoctor Fellow in Onco – Coordinator of Hematology and Onco – Hematology at GNDI, Salvalus/Penha unit. Coordinator of the Hematology / Bone Marrow Transplant service at Hospital Le forte Morumbi. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Ricardo Caponero

Clinical Oncologist by Associação Médica Brasileira Medical Oncologist at the Oncology Center of Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz President of the Scientific Council of FEMAMA Member of the Scientific Committee of the Instituto ONCOGUIA. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. Robson Freitas de Moura

Physician at Hospital Aristides Maltez, Physician at Hospital Geral Ana Nery, President of Associação Bahiana de Medicina, Assistant Professor at Universidade Salvador former President of the Brazilian Society of Cancerology. Salvador (BA).

Dr. Ana Laura Soares de Mello

He is currently a member of the Rehabilitation Center at the Federal University of the State of São Paulo, Master’s student at UNIFESP in the Department of Endocrinology, and works at the Hospital Israelita Albert Eisteim. with an emphasis on Dental Oncology. Sao Paulo (SP).

Dr. José Jaime do Valle

Prof. from Faculdade Legale in the Chair of Medical and Health Law. Currently Prof. Faculty of Health Sciences-FASIG in the Chair of Legislation in Public and Private Health. Prof. President Postgraduate Course Examining Boards. Sao Paulo (SP).